About Neuropathy IN Louisville KY

What Is Neuropathy?
Peripheral Neuropathy in Louisville KY is a result of damage to the peripheral nerves (nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord). This damage can lead to numbness and tingling, burning, itching, pins and needles, pain, weakness, balance issues and a barrage of other symptoms.
It is estimated that peripheral neuropathy affects more than 20 million people in the U.S., and the condition is growing rapidly. Peripheral Neuropathy cannot only affect the feet, but also the hands and other parts of the body.
Some Causes of Neuropathy:
- Diabetes
- Poor Metabolic Health
- Autoimmune Condition
- Chemo Therapy
- Chemical Exposure
- Medication
- Infections
- Nerve Impingement
- Trauma
Symptoms of Neuropathy:
- Numbness/Tingling
- Burning Pain
- Deep Stabbing Pain
- Walking With a Shuffle
- Decreased Grip Strength
- Loss of Muscle Strength
- Diminished ability to Feel Hot or Cold
- Crawling Sensation of the Skin
- Freezing in the Hands or Feet
- Lack of coordination/ Falling
What can I do about my neuropathy in Louisville KY?
If you are affected by peripheral neuropathy, you know all too well that this condition can affect comfort, mobility, and quality of life. You and your loved ones may have noticed a decrease in your activity level and/or physical abilities.
But, it can be difficult for friends, family, and even your spouse or partner to understand the extent of how peripheral neuropathy is affecting you… simply because they have never experienced anything like this. And that can be very frustrating and difficult to navigate.
You may have even been told that there is no way to stop the progression of this disease and that it is something you will have to learn to live with.
Quite frankly, that can be pretty scary. Will you be able to go on vacation with your family to enjoy the beach? Can you continue hiking your favorite trails? Or will you need someone to help get you around for just ordinary daily tasks?
But, there is hope.
To find out if we can help, we must first start with a detailed review of your health history, a review of any pertinent records and/or advanced imaging, and a pointed examination to determine the extent of damage and the possible options for a course of care.
Our non-surgical individualized programs are designed to address multiple factors that can be contributing to the progression of your neuropathy.
No Walk-Ins: By Appointment Only
9:00am - 6:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Louisville Neuropathy Center
152 Thierman Ln A
Louisville, KY 40207